Monday, December 28, 2009

Bear Language

Today's word is.... NDm°

NDm° (Nom) Audio Playback

1) A mythical animal typically represented as a horse with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead.
2) A large, agile, highly venomous African snake. • Genus Dendroaspis, family Elapidae: three species.
3) A contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person.

In A Sentence: NDm°, NDm° NDm° NDm°.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


The wandering eye of the Bear god Fomtonomnom gazes this week upon the Verde Bear!

The verde bear is the only bear native to the tropics of Zanzibar. A close relative to the polar bear, these bears play off of their surroundings for protection. Named verde after a weird, foreign way of saying "green", the verde bear blends into the green landscape that they live in. The bears' skin takes a greenish tint, and their thin, clear fur reflects the green color of the jungles in which they thrive. Although these bears have little fur, they possess very prominent, and aerodynamic ytdters, allowing for quick starts and stops from launchers and are ideal for island hopping. These bears are quite fast and have reflexes comparable to the North American Black Bear. Verde Bears are one of the fasting growing bear populations and are popping on coastal areas everywhere.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bear Language

Today's word is... NDm°

NDm° (Nom) Audio Playback

1. Contemptuously rude or impertinent behavior or speech.
2. A piece of excrement.
3. A very light rain.

In A Sentence: NDm°, NDm° NDm° NDm°.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


This week's Bearpedia entry goes to...

The Grylls Bear!

The Grylls Bear is native to the small European islands of the United Kingdom, and is rarely seen. A few scattered reports from around the world claim to have the Grylls Bear located in several random environments such as the Amazon, the Pacific Islands, and the Rocky Mountains. The Grylls Bear is an expert survivalist, being able to live without food or water for a period of 72 hours. They specialize in finding food from travel motels and TV studios, where the bears will spend most of their time. The ytdter of the Grylls Bear is not as large as its international counterparts', so it makes up for this size difference by wearing a layer of mud on its body. The Grylls Bears' ytdter is twice the size of that of an Andersons Bear.

Grylls Bear Fun Fact:
The Grylls Bear is one of the only bear species to be spotted on Mount Everest!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bear Language

Today's word is... NDm°

NDm° (Nom) Audio Playback

1. Fellowly.
2. Overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors.

In A Sentence: NDm° NDm° NDm° NDm° NDm°!